Frequently Asked

Why a Birthday Project?
The point of this Project is for fans from all around the world to gather together and make a collective and creative effort to wish our favorite actress a happy 31st birthday on March 22, 2007.

What is a Birthday Project?
This year we are going to put together an electronic Birthday Project that consists of your letters, poetry, fan art, photographs (etc) inspired by Reese Witherspoon. All contributions are to be emailed to us (staff) by March 22, 2007. The entries will be published here on the site and we will send the link to Reese so she can have a browse herself if she so wishes.

Will Reese see my entry?
We will send the link to Reese so she can have a browse herself if she so wishes. Obviously we cannot gurantee that she will read them all but atleast we can try!

All entries should include a name / nickname (does not have to be a full name) and country of residence.
All entries should be in English languange.

What is NOT allowed?
» Obviously anything disrespectful or intrusive.
» Do not ask for Reese to write you back. This is a way for us to give something to her, not for us to ask her for something.

How do I send in my entry?
Simply click here.

When will my contribution be added to the Entries page?
After you have submitted your entry, it will be added to the entries as soon as possible. The final date to send in your entry is March 21. All entries will be added on March 22, 2007.

Who created this layout?
It was created and coded by Mycah.

Got a question that was not replied to here?
Feel free to send it in here!